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Education | IM | IM/TH | Leadership | TH | show all

Taxonomy: IM/TH- Image Registration Techniques: Modality: Ultrasound

MO-CD-TRACK 1-5RmU-Net: A Generalizable Deep Learning Approach for Automatic Prostate Segmentation in 3D Ultrasound Images
N Orlando1,2*, D Gillies1,2, I Gyackov2, C Romagnoli3,5, D D'Souza4,5, A Fenster1-4, (1) Department of Medical Biophysics, Western University, London, ON, CA, (2) Robarts Research Institute, Western University, London, ON, CA, (3) Department of Medical Imaging, Western University, London, ON, CA, (4) Department of Oncology, Western University, London, ON, CA, (5) London Health Sciences Centre, London, ON, CA